Sesame White for export and import
Sesame White for export and import
white sesame seeds
Botanical name (Sesamum indicum)
Available forms of Sesame White for export and import : Sesame White
red sesame seeds
golden sesame seeds
Packing of Sesame : 25-50 PP bags
Uses Sesame has been claimed to treat hair loss, headaches, blurred vision, liver ailments, depression, senility, bone disease, and bowel problems. Sesame White for export and import seeds are employed in a seemingly infinite number of ways: breads, cakes, cookies and many other baked goods; desserts, soups, salads, stir-fried dishes, sauces etc. In the Middle East they are made into a paste called tahini which is incorporated into hummus (mashed chick peas) and baba ghanoush (purred eggplant).
Annual production capacity :
500 Ton
Storage conditions :
Store in a cool dry place at temperature above 20 ° C and relative humidity 75%
Sesame White for export and import (Sesamun indicum) is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, prized as an oilseed for at least 5,000 years. While it is beginning to regain favor due to its exceptionally high calcium and magnesium content, few realize it is also one of the most potent medicinal foods still commonly consumed today. In fact, its history as a medicine goes back 3600 years to Egyptian times where it was listed in the scrolls of the Ebers as a favored medicine. Also, women in ancient Babylon were believed to use a mixture of honey and sesame seeds (havla) to prolong youth and beauty, and Roman soldiers ate the mixture for strength and energy.In the past twenty years, a glut of scientific information has poured in demonstrating that sesame seed, and its components, have over three dozen documented therapeutic properties . Given these new revelations, it would seem that sesame would be just as at home in a medicine cabinet as it would be a kitchen cupboard.Here are just 10 evidence-based medicinal properties of this food-medicine:Diabetes: A study published in 2011 in the Clinical Journal of Nutrition showed that sesame oilimproved the effectiveness of the oral antidiabetic drug glibenclamide in type 2 diabetic patients
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